Child Injuries in Missouri and Kansas Are Serious Legal Matters
If your child has sustained injuries in Kansas City or anywhere in Kansas or Missouri due to the actions or negligence of others, it can be very overwhelming for a whole host of reasons.
Beyond your primary concerns for your child’s well-being and recovery, you may also be considering pursuing legal action or filing a lawsuit, which lead you into a confusing whirlwind of information.
This article will help answer the top 5 questions parents ask when faced with pursuing the potential legal action after such a traumatic episode.
1. Is filing a lawsuit the only way to be compensated for a child injury in Kansas City?
Answer: No. Not at all. There are out of court options for you to pursue child injury damages.
Like almost all kinds of lawsuits and cases, child injury cases are settled out of court in most instances. This is because most involved parties wish to avoid getting involved in a protracted court battle that can end up costing both plaintiffs and defendants a lot of money in legal fees and potential damages.
This is why most such cases are settled out of court for an amount agreed upon by the interested parties. While the compensation the plaintiff received in an out of court settlement will be less than what would be expected should the plaintiff win the court case, it is still often a substantial sum of money.
Wondering how to maximize the value of a personal injury claim without going to court? Download a copy of free consumer guide, Top Ten Ways to Maximize Your Injury Claim Without Going to Court.
2. If we file a lawsuit, will my child be further traumatized when presenting a testimony?
Answer: It is highly unlikely. Not only do courts tend to strictly limit child involvement, but qualified child injury attorneys, like those at the Law Offices of Kevin J. McManus, will do everything they can to minimize your child’s exposure to the legal proceedings.
Indeed, the court systems in Kansas and Missouri (as well as the country at large) take the well-being of children into account when considering their potential involvement in court cases. Therefore, most courts drastically limit the amount of testimony that courts can compel children to give. Most of the process will revolve around other witnesses and expert testimony, rather than the testimony of the injured child.
3. Should we wait to pursue a child injury claim?
Answer: In general, no. To guarantee the preservation of the best evidence to support your case, it is always best to pursue legal representation and action quickly.
Indeed, to ensure that experts and your lawyers can gather and preserve the best, most reliable evidence, it is of utmost importance that they begin their investigation as quickly after the incident occurred as possible.
Further, witness testimony can be harder to come by the longer you wait, and some of those witnesses may find their memory becomes foggier as more time passes. In addition, all personal injury claims in Kansas and Missouri are governed by statute of limitations laws, and if you do not file a claim in time, the right to recovery is forever barred.
The bottom line is that, when it comes to investigating and bringing suit in a child injury case, time is definitely of the essence.
4. Should we sign the forms sent from the claims adjuster?
Answer: It is probably a bad idea. You should always avoid taking the first offer provided, as it is frequently far less than what you could receive with the help of an experienced child injury lawyer.
The fact is, most people do not have the sufficient legal knowledge and expertise to determine whether a claims adjuster’s offer is fair or sufficient to the damages and losses. It can be difficult—if not impossible—for the layperson to accurately determine future and ongoing damages and financial hardships, for instance.
It is almost always a better idea to seek quality legal representation, experts that can walk you through the complicated processes and ensure that you get the best outcome for you and your family.
5. Is hiring a child injury lawyer necessary for cases in Kansas and Missouri?
Answer: Most likely. In such sensitive cases like these, with high emotions and your child's health and future at stake, it is very likely that you and your family will benefit from quality legal representation.
Child injury cases are broad and diverse. Children may be injured in car accidents or at schools, day cares, or playgrounds. A child injury may arise from a slip and fall, a dog or animal bite, or a dangerous property condition or product.
Regardless, in any significant legal situation with major financial and personal ramifications, it is almost always best to seek legal counsel before taking any action on your own. The last thing you want in a time of great crisis is to see that crisis grow out of control or end in an unsatisfactory way simply because you did not reach out for legal help.
Contact Our Kansas City Child Injury Lawyer
The most important thing to know about child injury claims in Kansas City and throughout Kansas and Missouri is this: you are not alone. The caring and knowledgeable child injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Kevin J. McManus are here to help guide you and your family through this traumatic time and fight for the restitution you and your family deserve.
Contact us today by calling 816-203-0143, for free consultation. We are here to help.