The Aftermath of Kansas City Truck Accidents: What You Need to Know

Every year, thousands of semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles travel on the roads and highways in the Kansas City area. When these huge trucks crash with smaller cars or motorcycles, it often leads to severe injuries and sometimes death, because of trucks’ size and weight difference.

Getting hurt in a truck accident can mean facing huge medical expenses and struggling with money, loss of income, or even being unable to work at all. The consequences of a truck accident can be devastating, both financially and emotionally. It's important to make sure whoever caused the accident takes responsibility and that you receive the compensation you deserve. 

At Kevin McManus Law, we work hard to make sure careless truck drivers and others responsible for the injuries or deaths in truck accidents are held accountable for their actions. If you or a loved one were hurt in a truck accident in or around Kansas City, we're here to help. It's important to speak with our experienced truck accident attorneys about the accident and your injuries. We'll guide you through the process of pursuing compensation. 

What To Do Immediately After a Truck Accident

If you're in a crash involving a semi or commercial truck, call the authorities and report the accident right away, if you're able. It's extremely important to get medical help immediately, even if you feel okay. Some injuries might not show symptoms right away. If medical help is offered at the scene, don’t refuse it, as saying no could affect your injury case later.

As soon as you can, write down what you remember about the accident. Take photos of the scene or ask someone to do it for you.

If insurance people from the trucking company show up, be careful with what you say. It’s okay to say you want to talk to your lawyer before chatting with them.

Once you're able, get in touch with our team at Kevin McManus Law. Our expert injury lawyers can help you in holding the responsible party(ies) accountable for your injuries, and will handle the trucking and insurance companies and their attorneys.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Getting multiple calls from insurance companies after an accident can be really stressful. You might worry that what you say could make them think the accident was your fault, especially when you're still trying to figure out what happened. Sometimes, the insurance adjusters might try to trick you into saying something that could hurt your case.

Dealing with serious injuries and financial losses on top of these calls can make things even more overwhelming. After an accident, insurance companies collect information from everyone involved, look at police reports, and check other evidence to decide who's to blame and how much compensation should be given. If you’re found not at fault, they will try to get you to accept an amount of money that may be much lower than what you’re entitled to. 

But here's the thing: if you accept their offer, you give up your right to sue over the accident later. Since some injuries take time to show up fully, you don’t want to settle quickly for less than what you need to cover your expenses. Before you talk to insurance representatives from the truck driver and/or trucking company, get in touch with us. With Kevin McManus Law on your side, our skilled attorneys will deal with the insurance companies so you can focus on healing.

Trucking Companies With Deep Pockets

If you want to take legal action against the trucking company whose driver hit your car, you need our experienced personal injury attorney - we're ready to help!  Remember that trucking companies usually have enough money to pay for your injuries, but they also have the money to hire expensive lawyers and fight legal battles. If you’re trying to navigate a personal injury claim on your own, you’ll definitely be at a disadvantage. With the skilled attorneys at Kevin McManus Law by your side, you won't be the underdog. We fight for your rights and are dedicated to getting you the best possible outcome. 

Who Has To Pay? 

Finding out what caused a truck accident and who's to blame can be tricky. It's not always just about the truck driver making a mistake. There could be other factors at play, like problems with how the truck was loaded, lack of proper training for the driver, ignoring safety rules, or even faulty truck parts made by the manufacturer. Sometimes, even the city or state could share the blame if bad road conditions played a part in the crash.

In Missouri and Kansas, the law allows you to sue more than one person or entity if they were all at fault for your injuries. This helps make sure that everyone responsible is held accountable.

What Damages Are You Entitled To?

Some truck accident injuries go beyond just medical bills—they can impact your ability to work and support yourself. When you file a lawsuit after a truck accident, you might be able to recover damages for the income you lost while unable to work and you might also receive compensation for future lost income. In cases of permanent disability where you can't return to your old job, this money can help you train for a new career or support your family.

In some personal injury lawsuits, you can also receive non-economic damages for things like pain and suffering, emotional distress, or loss of companionship if a family member was seriously hurt or killed in the accident. In Missouri and Kansas, there's no limit on the amount of non-economic damages, so it's up to a jury to decide based on how much the accident affected your life in non-financial ways.

Our Kansas City Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help.

After a truck accident, dealing with the aftermath can feel overwhelming. But you don't have to face it alone. At Kevin McManus Law, we understand what you're going through—the pain, the financial strain, the emotional toll. We have an exceptional record of success in obtaining substantial outcomes for our clients. Our goal is to support you in seeking the compensation you deserve, so you can concentrate on healing. 

Call us today at 816-203-0143 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free consultation. We’re here to help, and on your side.


Kevin J. McManus
Connect with me
Kevin McManus is an accident injury and disability lawyer in Kansas City, MO, and Overland Park, KS
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