Have you suffered a broken bone or fracture due to someone else’s carelessness or negligence? If so, you have a personal injury claim and may be legally entitled to compensation for your injuries. Our Kansas City broken bone lawyer can offer free guidance on what you need to do to protect your legal rights and how to obtain compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and other damages.
Our Kansas City injury lawyer is experienced in handling bone fracture and broken bone cases, whether they result from a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or other personal injury accident. We handle these cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless we recover for you. Contact our law firm today at (816) 281-2328 or by using the form below for a free, no obligation consultation.
What Are Common Causes of a Broken Bone or Fracture?
You can suffer a broken bone or fracture in a variety of circumstances, including the following kinds of personal injury accidents:
- Slip and fall, or trip and fall: A dangerous or defective condition on a property may cause you to fall and break or fracture a bone. These cases are also known as “premises liability” cases because they happen on someone’s premises.
- Car accident: The impact from a car wreck may cause you to slam against the dashboard or other internal surface of the car. This can result in a broken leg, ribs, arm or wrist bones, or even worse a spinal fracture or head injury / skull fracture.
- Motorcycle crashes & truck accidents: These accidents can be worse than a crash between two passenger vehicles. In a motorcycle accident, the motorcyclist is much more likely to suffer severe injuries, including broken bones, than driver of a car. Similarly, victims of truck accidents are more likely to suffer broken bones and other serious injuries, due to the proportionally larger size and weight of commercial trucks.
- Pedestrian & bike accidents: While pedestrian and bike accidents occur in different settings and circumstances, it is common for victims of these accidents to suffer broken bones and other severe injuries due to the lack of protection in a crash.

Get the compensation you deserve with trusted legal guidance.
Who’s At Fault for My Broken Bone or Fracture?
The first step in protecting your legal rights is to investigate how you suffered a broken or fractured bone in the first place. Your broken bone lawyer must conduct a full investigation of the accident and identify all potential parties who may share in the fault. This first step is essential for obtaining the maximum settlement for your injuries.
Our Kansas City broken bone lawyer has the resources and experience to investigate the accident scene and circumstances to identify all who may be responsible. These parties may change depending on the type of accident that caused you to suffer a broken bone.
For example, some potential parties who may share in the fault include:
- Slip, trip and falls: the property owner, contractor, maintenance company, or government agency if a publicly owned area was unsafe.
- Car accidents: the other driver, passenger, parts manufacturer, or government agency if the road was unsafe.
- Truck accidents: the other driver, parts manufacturer, trucking company, truck maintenance company, cargo loading company, or government agency if the road was unsafe.
- Motorcycle or bicycle accidents: the driver of the other car, the parts manufacturer, government agency if the road was unsafe.
Types of Bone Fractures & Compensation
There are many different kinds of bone fractures, and each can impact your medical, emotional and financial condition in a number of ways.
In general, some basic types of bone fractures include:
- Hairline or stress fractures: a small crack in the bone;
- Closed fractures: the bone is broken, but still connected;
- Open fracture: the bone breaks through the skin and is exposed to open air;
- Complete fracture: bone breaks completely into separate pieces.
The type and severity of your broken bone will impact the amount of compensation you are entitled to under the law. Some fractures require immediate medical attention but will heal and return to normal within a limited period of time.
By comparison, severely broken bones often require more invasive, expensive and ongoing treatment. Surgery may be needed, which may include inserting permanent hardware, such as screws, pins, wires, and plates. In addition, severely broken bones may require long-term rehabilitation and follow-up medical care. In some cases, there may be permanent disfigurement or mobility limitations. Each of these factors must be considered when assigning a value to your broken bone claim.
What’s the Value of My Broken Bone Case?
As with any personal injury claim, there are several factors to consider when determining the value of a broken bone or fracture claim. One factor is the type of broken bone and its severity. A broken arm will be valued differently than a broken foot bone or a broken shoulder or collarbone by an insurance company. Similarly, a head fracture or a spine fracture are among the most serious types of bone fractures because of the long-term disabling conditions that can result from these fractures.
In addition to the type and severity of your injury, the value of your broken bone claim will also depend on:
- the cost of your past and future medical treatment,
- the value of your lost wages,
- the value of any future earnings losses, and
- whether your injury has resulted in any long-term disability, limitations, or symptoms.
Suffering from a broken bone can be a traumatic experience. Regardless of whether you need surgery for your broken bone or fracture, you may require time off of work, physical therapy, and future medical care. This can result in high costs financially, as well as physical and emotional stress. All of these are types of damages that may be recoverable in a bone injury claim.
Of course, the value of a personal injury claim will also depend on whether you can prove the other party is liable or at fault for causing your injury. If the other party is able to show that you somehow shared in the fault in causing your injury, a legal doctrine known as “comparative negligence” in Kansas and Missouri may reduce or bar your right to recover compensation.
For this reason, it is important to seek the guidance of an experienced injury attorney who can build the strongest case possible and maximize your compensation. Our Kansas City bone injury attorney is ready to make sure you get the money you deserve, and take the stress and worry away so you can focus on getting better. Call our Kansas City bone injury lawyer today at (816) 281-2328 for a free consultation.

We’ll help you appeal and secure your rightful benefits.
Contact Our Bone Fracture Injury Lawyer Today
If you suffered a broken bone or fracture due to the negligence of another person, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer experienced in broken bone cases. An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to pursue the legal process necessary to protect your legal rights and maximize your recovery, including investigating the accident, gathering evidence to support your claim, negotiating with insurance companies and pursuing your claim in court if necessary.
Our Kansas City broken bone lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other damages. A settlement should cover all your financial losses, as well as other damages, such as: past and future medical bills, past and future lost wages or lost earning capacity, past and future pain and suffering, permanent disability or disfigurement.
Broken bones are among the most serious damage that can be done to your body. A bone fracture or break can be devastating for both you and your family. The pain from the injury and the financial and emotional stress can be overwhelming. Our Kansas City broken bone injury lawyer understands how serious this legal matter is for you and your family. We are ready to work hard for you and pursue your case with personal attention and compassion that you need.
Call us today at (816) 281-2328, or by using the form below to schedule a free, no obligation consultation. Don’t wait, call today.
Broken Bone Injury FAQ:
Q: Is it important to act quickly on a broken bone injury claim?
A: Yes, it is critical that you act quickly. As with any personal injury claim, there are certain deadlines, known as “statutes of limitations,” that apply and may bar your right to recover compensation if you do not act quickly to preserve your claim. In addition, it is critical that a lawyer gathers and preserves all important evidence relating to your accident. This evidence will be needed to obtain the maximum compensation for you.
Again, contact us today at (816) 281-2328, for a free, no obligation consultation, and we can make sure your rights are protected and fight to help you obtain maximum compensation for your injuries.