Have You Suffered a Brain Injury?
Head and brain injuries are sometimes referred to as a "silent epidemic" because they can be difficult to identify after an accident.
For both your health and legal claim, it's critical to identify the signs and symptoms of a brain injury early and seek prompt medical treatment. Fortunately, we have a free PDF checklist that can help.
A delay in brain injury diagnosis can result in delayed treatment. If not treated, symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can worsen or become deadly over time. A delay can also make it difficult to prove the accident caused the brain injury, and that can hurt the value of your personal injury claim.
Brain injury symptoms are often very subtle. For example:
- Your friends and family may notice that something is not "quite right."
- You don't need to lose consciousness.
- You don't need to experience a blow or impact to the head.
- The symptoms may be very subtle.
To spot the early warning signs of a traumatic brain injury, download our TBI checklist right now. Simply fill out the form below, and the checklist will be e-mailed to you. There is no obligation to hire our firm.
Our hope is that this checklist will help you make the best decision possible and get the care you need.
How to Download This Free Report:
To download this free checklist, enter your first name and email below. You will receive an email with the free PDF. This information is critical to maximizing your recovery after a catastrophic accident - so act now!
Requesting our report does not create an attorney-client relationship. Your information will be kept confidential and not be provided to third parties.